experiences of many different people.

Sin, evil and immorality are usually more relative than absolute. That is, they are interpretations of an in- dividual's behavior in terms of certain fixed ideas in the interpreter's mind. This often results in condemna- tion of a given form of behavior where that same behavior in other times, climes and cultures would pass unnoticed. Moreover, in our time "guilt by association" is all too commonplace. Association does not necessarily mean with people only, but with their actions at times. Everyone accepts the aphorism that "all is not gold that glitters", yet all too often the same behavior pattern may be exhi- bited by two groups of people whose reasons for the pat- tern are entirely different.

Unfortunately, if society disapproves of one group, it will also disapprove of the other. Educating society to look for the differences that set groups apart, rather than the similarities that seem to tie them together, should make individuals more discriminating in their judgements. This in turn would reduce the number if in- cidents where individuals are accused of things of which they are not guilty and made to bear stigma that they do not deserve.

TRANSVESTIA will help in providing the information in the form of opinions and experiences which will help, we hope in this process of education.